Tips for Reclaiming your Personal Freedom Today Have you ever woken up and wondered how you ended up with this life of yours? Do you feel stuck in the rut of the same routine day after day, week after week, year in, year out? Maybe you feel trapped by obligations, by debt, by other people’s expectations. If you want to get off the hamster wheel, you can! Here … [Read more...] about Reclaim Your Freedom
Free Your Mind
Personal Freedom Begins in Your Mind You might be surprised to learn that the biggest obstacle to your personal freedom is right between your ears. A negative mindset is the biggest block to freedom. There are so many parts of your life you cannot control, from the need to earn a living to finding true love. But you can control your mindset, your thoughts, and how you act … [Read more...] about Free Your Mind
Nurture Your Freedom
12 Tips for Nurturing Your Personal Freedom There’s a lot of pressure to conform to society’s definition of success. Right from school, you hear that there is pretty much one path. A good job, a one-way upwards career trajectory, a family, big house, lots of money. But your personal freedom doesn’t get mentioned. Nor does inner peace. But you don’t have to step too far … [Read more...] about Nurture Your Freedom
How to Be More Grateful for What Freedom You Already Have There‘s so much emphasis on getting ahead, being successful and striving for change that it can be hard to remember that you already have so much for which to be grateful. Even worse, the constant pushing to change your circumstances can lead to dissatisfaction, and keep you trapped in a cycle of always feeling … [Read more...] about Gratitude
Financial Freedom
4 Secrets Everyone Needs to Know to Gain Financial Freedom It’s a no-brainer. Everyone wants to be rich, right? Or at least financially independent, not to have to worry about bills or to have to scrimp and save to get by. But if you’re like most people, all those good intentions come up against the sharp, cold reality of paying the mortgage or the rent, paying bills, … [Read more...] about Financial Freedom